OpenVPN on Oracle Linux
Installing OpenVPN 2.5.11 on Oracle Linux 9.5 with PAM authentication based on local users and Active Directory
Installing OpenVPN 2.5.11 on Oracle Linux 9.5 with PAM authentication based on local users and Active Directory
Installing OpenConnect on Oracle Linux 9 with PAM authentication based on local users
Useful commands for configuring KVM virtual machines
Configuring Squid on Docker in conjuction with ClamAV antivirus and SquidGuard content filter
Check whether the port is open using bash and lsof and ss utilities
Installing qBittorrent on Docker and configuring shared access to downloads via SMB
Installing a mail server in Oracle Linux on the base of Cyrus IMAP and Postfix with Active Directory integration
Installing Apache Guacamole on Docker, configuring HTTPS access and Active Directory integration
Configuring a mail gateway on CentOS 7 using Postfix with SpamAssassin, ClamAV, OpenDKIM, SPF and DMARC
Setting up HLS streaming using ffmpeg utility on Docker